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Thursday, February 02, 2006

Dolly kicks ass.

Ok, this might be a bad idea, especially in the early stages of a new music blog, but I have to admit that I fell in love with Dolly Parton today. I still can't really believe that it happened, and I have to say that I'm not the least bit embarrassed by it.

It started yesterday when I saw Kenny Rogers on a show on muchmoremusic about the year 1984. He was talking about how the Bee Gees wrote this song ("Islands In The Stream") and how he thought it wasn't really working, or how he couldn't really sing it very well-or something, so they brought in Dolly, and WHAM!, huge hit.

Now, I remember that as one of the main songs from my childhood. Mom loved Dolly and I heard her all the time. Back then(and still today I suppose), it isn't really all that cool to like the music your mom likes, so I never really appreciated it that much.

Anyways, tracked down a 2 disc, 37 track, best of Dolly album, and listened to it ALL DAMN DAY! When I rate song in iTunes, a really good album will usually get 3 or 4 songs that get 4/5 stars, and very rarely, there's an album that has 6 or 7...

18. 18 4 star songs. I can't explain it, other than to say that Dolly kicks ass. Listen to these two tracks, and tell me that they aren't legit.

MP3: Touch Your Woman
MP3: The Seeker

Who's next? Conway Twitty??
(p.s. Thanks Mom!)


At 7:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dolly rules.

"Jolene" and "Coat of Many Colors" have been in my IPOD for months.


At 7:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's a really cool/bizarre photo of Dolly and Michael Stipe on REMHQ. Talk about a strange and fascinating contradiction!!!

At 10:53 PM, Blogger chelle said...

i also share cashew's love of jolene.


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