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Monday, January 30, 2006

First Post - Tall ships made of snow, invading the sun.

So, the first post on A dangerous Blog, up to a point. I decided after spending a lot of time on other peoples mp3 blogs, that I should do the same thing. I wanted to begin journaling my musical journey, recording my musical influences, and I also wanted to share some of the music that makes me a happier person every day. I hope to concentrate on newer bands that don't get a lot of attention other than word of mouth. I can't buy every cd from every new band I hear about, but by posting a song or two for other people to hear(and potentially buy), bands will have more people hearing their songs, and the rest kind of takes care of itself.

I thought I'd start things off with 5 of the songs that are getting the most play time for me right now.

1. MP3 Roscoe - Midlake
This one grabbed me immediately. At first I couldn't decide if I should kick things off with it, but that intro is too rad. I will need to hear more from these guys and explore their site.

2. MP3 (It's All in the Way That You) Trip - The Prix
A good 2nd track, and follow up to Midlake. Check out the other tracks on their myspace. (Top Ten is worth a listen!) I think I'll start calling them the Pronounced "pree" though.

3. MP3 Ask Me Anything - The Strokes
Probably my favorite Strokes song, ever. I big departure from what I've come to expect from them. From their new cd which has quite a few other surprises too. "Don't be a coconut, God is trying to talk to you. We could drag it out, but that's for other bands to do"

4. MP3 Wraith Pinned to the Mist (and other games) - Of Montreal
Off the new album "The Sunlandic Twins" Check out the video here!

5. MP3 A Dangerous Woman Up To A Point - Destroyer
I was having a discussion yesterday with a friend about the use of "la-la-la's" in songs, and I think that words aren't always necessary to convey emotion. Bejar uses the "la-la-la's" to perfection in almost all of his songs on his new album Rubies. This song is also this Blog's namesake.

Enjoy :) I know I am.


At 12:49 PM, Blogger Flogistix said...

I really like the content of your post. .. thanks a lot for showing it to me...keep it up,..
wellhead compression


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